Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Poopy Diaper Song!...Tell your Friends!

I was inspired by my brother Dan's recent post about his meese and penguini song so I thought I would share this one I came up with so that it will get stuck in all of your heads for eternity. It is sung to the tune of The Eentsey Weentsey Spider (or The Itsy Bitsy Spider depending on what part of the country you're from.)

The poopy poopy diaper went up the diaper spout
Down came the poop and washed the poopie out
Up came the wipes and wiped the poop away
And the poopy poopy diaper went in the trash again.
Yay! (clapping)

This little bit of inspiration came as I was trying to get Taylor to calm down when changing his diaper. Now he won't let me change his diaper without singing it. I know I should try and come up with original tunes, but, truth be told, I'm more of a lyricist than a composer.


Eva Aurora said...

Stunning lyrics! My diapered child has become quite enamored, so you already have a following, if two babies is a following.

MKShelley said...

Nudge nudge... we need a new post! Going through Josh withdrawals here.. I mean.. it's not like you just had a baby or anything!