Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Material

As interest in topics relating to the McRib seems to have waned, I will now turn my attention on new and exciting subjects such as the following:
  1. NBA Playoffs only on cable TV. Grrrrrr!
  2. I actually like Mandy Moore's new album????? (She's grown up a lot ya' know)
  3. When recently asked which natural disaster I'm most afraid of, I surprised myself with the quick and vehement answer: "Tsunamis!" I knew there was a reason I've been avoiding that trip to Indonesia. Did you ever see the movie Deep Impact? (shudder)...(second shudder)
  4. The other day Caleb taught Taylor to say "Fart Head." They grow up so fast.
  5. My Facebook momentum has died. If "number of friends" became "number of friends you actually stay in contact with AFTER see who they married and what their kids look like", the number would probably be around 10. Are YOU one of the 10? If you comment, that means YES!


Unknown said...

Oh I'm one. Or at least want to be one!!!

Juliekins said...

I hope to stay in contact with you!
p.s. Never Change!

Allyson said...

Just wanted to make sure I made the cut before everyone else started commenting.

Eva Aurora said...

I would love to be a facebook friend, even though you don't know enough about me to be surprised by anything about my life. I'll see if I can find you.

I saw Deep Impact when I was heavily pregnant. Being thus extremely emotional, I continued crying for an hour after the movie ended. I have not watched it since. I also fear tsunamis, and for that reason will never live in New York City. I'm convinced that city will drown.